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Associate Prof. Patrick Keller

Researcher and associate professor in Media & Interaction Design, and independent designer

ECAL/University of Art and Design, Lausanne (HES-SO) – Ra&D & MID departments

Profile & mission: Patrick Keller is associate professor and researcher in the Media and Interaction Design, as well as Theory departments at ECAL (HES-SO). He holds a MSc degree in Architecture from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, in Lausanne (EPFL) and a postgraduate diploma in Computer Graphics, from the same school. P. Keller has led research projects funded by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland. In addition to his academic activities at ECAL, he is co-founder of fabric | ch, a studio for architecture, interaction and research based in Lausanne (, with whom he has exhibited internationally and created numerous digital exhibitions since the early 2000s.

Associate Prof. Patrick Keller leads the research project and co-directs the PhD thesis supervised by Dr F. Bovier (UNIL). Thanks to his expertise, he is responsible for the research packages related to the digitalization of the artworks from the study corpus, the digital exhibition and its interaction design, the development of a “Paik @Home” application – as indicated in the initial research plan – in collaboration with the research team. He is closely involved in the mapping of the studied networks and their analyses.

Dr François Bovier

Senior lecturer in Film Studies, researcher in the Ra&D department, and independent curator

UNIL/University of Lausanne (Section d’histoire et esthétique du cinéma), Lausanne (CH)

ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne (HES-SO) – Ra&D department

Profile & mission: François Bovier is a senior lecturer in Film Studies at the University of Lausanne and a research fellow at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne (HES-SO). In 2003, he co-founded the film magazine Décadrages ( and has written extensively on experimental cinema, militant films, and artists’ films. He has led research projects funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, he is in charge of a collaborative research program on the emergence of video art in Europe, run from ECAL and the University of Paris-8. He co-directs the book series Cinétisme at Les presses du réel, and has edited books on performance art, experimental films, exhibited cinema, and early video art.

As part of the Paik Replayed research project, Bovier directs and oversees a PhD student at UNIL whose thesis is fully integrated into the project. He participates in the selection of Paik’s works, analyzes their structure, circulation, reception, and dissemination, and is involved in the design and planning of the exhibition for dissemination.

Dr Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás

Art historian, curator, scientific associate and head of EU research for the Beyond Matter project

UCL/University College London, Stratford (GB)

Profile & mission: Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás is a curator, art historian, author, and educator with a significant presence in the contemporary and media art landscape since 2006. She has curated exhibitions at renowned institutions like the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Nam June Paik Art Center, or Ludwig Museum Budapest. Her curatorial focus revolves around exploring the genealogy and social impact of planetary computation, the impact of electronic surveillance on democracy, and the potentialities of the virtual condition. Engaging in extensive research within curatorial studies, she investigates the “virtual condition” and its implications within the exhibition space. This work is part of the Beyond Matter project, which she initiated and led at ZKM from 2019 to 2023, with collaboration from institutions such as Centre Pompidou Paris, Aalto University, and the Tallinn Art Hall. She has published extensively, recently edited the volume titled “Beyond Matter, Within Space: Curatorial and Art Mediation Techniques on the Verge of Virtual Reality” (2023). As of 2023, she has assumed a lecturer role in curation and media practice at University College London.

Her contributions to the Paik Replayed research project include developing a typology of digital exhibitions, the conception of an exemplary digital and online exhibition, and the conceptual framework for transposing artworks into digital format.

Mathilde Coué

PhD student

ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne (HES-SO) – Ra&D department

Profile & Mission: Mathilde Coué has completed a Master’s degree in History at the University of Lausanne under the joint supervision of Professor François Valotton (Department of History) and Senior Lecturer François Bovier (Department of Film Studies). Previously, she was a research assistant on an HES-SO research project directed by François Bovier at ECAL titled “The archive as a creative act: the absolute cinema of Gregory J. Markopoulos and the utopia of Temenos”.

Her thesis focuses on Nam June Paik’s video works from the 1960s and 1970s. The doctoral student systematically contextualizes and analyzes a corpus of Paik’s historical video works, established specifically for this research project. Her thesis traces the initial modalities of production and circulation of Paik’s audio-visual works. She also assesses recent developments made possible by the remote digital dissemination of videos, thus reinforcing the effect of dematerialisation and ubiquity of the work that was already implied by the video medium.

Erika Marthins

Research assistant, and independent designer

ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne (HES-SO) – Ra&D department

Design++ D-ARCH, D-BAUG ETH Zürich

Profile & Mission: Erika Marthins is a designer from Sweden, dedicated to reshaping our interaction with advanced technologies. With a BSc in Visual Communication from ECAL / École Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne, (HES-SO) specializing in Interaction Design, and a Master of Advanced Studies from ETH Zürich in Architecture and Digital Fabrication, she seeks out innovative solutions and challenges the boundaries of conventional design. As the founder of Studio Marthins (, she collaborates with industry experts to craft pioneering food experiences that rethink perceptions of sustainability. Ms Marthins work has been exhibited at international venues such as the United Nations, Google, Vitra Design Museum, Milan Design Week, and Space10, amongst others. She has also delivered keynote addresses at Singularity University, IDEO, and swissnex San Francisco. Erika’s unwavering passion for design and innovation fuels her relentless pursuit to reimagine our relationship with technology in the world of tomorrow.

The main tasks of the research assistant are to contribute to the establishment of the typology of digital exhibitions, to take part in the elaboration of the “Paik @Home” application – as indicated in the initial research plan – , to participate in the establishment and assessment of the analytical maps and to manage the online dissemination of the outcomes of the research.

Dr Christian Babski

Research scientist, and independent engineer

ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne (HES-SO) – Ra&D department

Profile & Mission: Christian Babski is a computer scientist who obtained his doctorate from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), where he was involved into several European research projects and published a diverse set of writings, specializing in computer graphics, virtual reality (VR, AR, and motion capture) and the Web, subjects he developed as part of his thesis. He has participated actively in several design&science research projects in partnership with ECAL (University of Art and Design), HEAD-Geneva (École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts and the Haute École d’Arts Appliqués) and EPFL.
He’s an acknowledged specialist in implementing digital and online exhibitions in various forms in his private practice within the cultural software company, Computed·By (, sifting networked (virtual) environments, time-constrained software or machine learning applied into artistic context. He collaborates directly with artists, bringing expertise in software and hardware development for art pieces exhibited in Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts (MUDAC) in Lausanne, in KANAL-Centre Pompidou Brussels (Gradient by Philippe Decrauzat), or at the HOW Art Museum in Shanghai, among others.

Given his extensive experience, Mr. Babski is involved in most of the work packages, focusing on the creation and evaluation of a digital exhibition. He also provides technical advices, knowledge and support for technology selection, data management and online dissemination.


  1. […] May (16.05), Patrick Keller will be taking part in a webinar organized by the University of Applied Sciences Western […]