(Re-)Viewing Paik, Publication (2023)

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As part of a year-long preliminary research into digital exhibitions, ECAL / University of Art and Design Lausanne (HES-SO) teamed up with the Nam June Paik Art Center (South Korea)—and its exceptional collection, online video study, and archive of works by Nam June Paik, as well as with fabric | ch – studio for architecture, interaction and research, to deliver initial thoughts and proofs of concept.

Late last year saw the publication of Mnemosyne, a book on “History and Research in Arts and Design” (ed. Davide Fornari), published by ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne (HES-SO).

In this context, I had the chance to be in conversation with Dr. Sang Ae Park, NJPAC’s Chief Curator and Archivist, about this joint research and its early results. Among other topics, we discussed Nam June Paik’s—at the time—unrealized piece “Symphony for 20 rooms” (1961), as a potential inspiration for “remote” digital exhibitions at home.

This discussion led to the paper “A Symphony for Nam June Paik, Digitally” (images above), while this preliminary research then gave rise to Paik Replayed, a longer-term research project that began in spring 2024 and will be presented along the way on this website and on a number of platforms (Instagram, Spotify, Vimeo).

The open-access full version of the paper can be downloaded (PDF) on Academia (on P. Keller account).